Wednesday, July 18, 2012

That's About the Size of It

Our itty bitty litter mates have a great big difference in size.

Eloise may be teeny tiny in comparison to her brother Henry, but she has no problem keeping up.

((Check out the tongue!!))

Add a bigger, blurry Porter to the mix and you can see the wide variety of kitten sizes currently available in my front room.

I don't know how hot it was at your house yesterday, but it was 105 degrees in Michigan.  We broke out the fans to help the air conditioning along a bit.   Porter was a big fan of the fans.






"Aw, I missed it!  Dumb door got in the way.  
Hey, wait a minute... Who are they and what are they doing in MY room????"






Our sweet boy Porter is making progress by leaps and bounds.  While he still often resembles something of a hot mess, the oldest ringworm welts on his face are looking much smaller and decidedly less "angry" today.

We still have a way to go, but the sight of a clearing face makes me very happy indeed.

"Um, Lady... Are you aware that your toe nails are an exceptionally odd color?  Was orange really the best choice for you?  Also, the polish is chipping off.  You went out in public like that?  It's so embarrassing."

He's still the shyest kitten in the room, but getting braver every day.  He would have never approached me yesterday.  Today he climbed into my lap.  No pictures though.  I was enjoying the moment.  :-)

One day at a time...


  1. awwww - it is funny to watch how litters of kittens grow....our current bunch has a couple of big guys and a couple of tinys. love that Porter is feeling better....still feel bad everytime we see his cute face.

    1. When I see Eloise and Henry standing next to each other, I'm often reminded of that quote by Abraham Lincoln about him standing next to his diminutive wife Mary... something about the "long and short of it". :-)

      Porter feels fine... unless I'm putting medicine drops on him. He only feels bad for himself during the medication process.

  2. Oftentimes, the littlest ones are the sassiest. Gotta love a sassy little kitten. :)

    Also, I love all your fosters, but Porter has a special place in my heart. What a sweet, sweet boy.

    1. Oh my, Miss Eloise has a mouth on her... always something to say about everything. She's also the snuggliest little snugglebug in the room.

      My heart melted today when Porter charged the door and demanded snuggles. He sat in my lap, purred, and kissed my bare arms with his little ringworm-infected face (and I let him!) He's a gentle little soul who just wants to be loved (and remain unmedicated). I sat there for ten minutes or more, debating whether I should medicate him... the whole reason for this trip inside the room. He slunk away, but did allow petting before I left. We're making progress.

  3. hey, if he is going to complain about it, he better be ready to fix it. Get him some polish and a pedicure stand and have at it :)

    1. I like the way you think, Connie. Lord knows I'm putting my pedicure money into the cat food industry at the moment. ;-)

  4. I posted this over as a reply to your comment on my blog, but I thought I'd come share it here too:


    when I have to do "bad things" to kittens I often give special treats afterwards like meat baby food to try to make it a little more forgivable. I know a lot of people who have diabetic cats who have to do ear pricks to draw blood to test. after a while they ASK to have their blood tested because they know it means they'll get a treat and love :)

    1. Thanks, Connie. I do try to feed him right afterwards, but maybe I need to make it "treat time" instead of "dinner time". I can't imagine he will ever be asking for the medicine drops, but might be a bit more tolerable.

  5. Aww! Porter is looking soooo much better Kelly. Give them all an extra cuddle from me. It's about 107 with the heat index today and now its getting ready to storm like crazy. *sigh*

    1. It rained for much of the day today and has been so much cooler ever since... thank goodness!

      His face is looking a bit "angry" again tonight, but I know it's just a matter of time. We're getting there!
