Monday, March 18, 2013

Still Here... But Not For Long

Levi came home with me after adoption hours on Saturday. But that doesn't mean he doesn't have a family...

In fact, if things happen as I expect... he will be packing up his little bags and great big ears soon and heading for his new home.

AND... it's a heck of a story. You won't want to miss it, so make sure you check back in the morning.

In the meantime...

"The dog LIKES it when Levi snuggles with him!"

"Levi doesn't care what the dog says. 
The dog LIKES it."

"Pay no attention to the choking dog.
He LIKES it."

"Don't listen to the dog.
He will miss Levi greatly when he moves out.
Yes, he WILL!!!"

Editor's Note: Never mind. He's not still here. His new family couldn't wait to take him home after all and came to collect him on Sunday night instead. You still have to wait until tomorrow for his adoption story, though.

Since we can't keep Levi in the front foster room...

Mama moved out of the family room and back into the sunny window room.

I would try to get a better photo of her.
 But every time I open the door she jumps down and insists upon a lap. 
She wins.

Maybe tomorrow.


 I spent last week creating a new home office.

It went from this:

To this:
Yay, IKEA!

Norman approves.

Too bad for Norman that I had plans for that particular cubicle.

"This box is too blanking small for Norman.
No, Norman should not watch his language.
And the Lady should clear out that cubby before Norman does."


  1. yay for Levi!!!

    Hey Norman....claim the space! :)

  2. Beautiful new office! I guess if there are going to be no new baby tabbies I will have to settle for cutely decorated cubbies. Can we name them? :P

    1. Well, just because there are no baby tabbies at the moment doesn't mean that there won't be more in residence soon. In the meantime, feel free to name the cubbies if it makes you feel better ;)

  3. Love what you did to the office! it looks great. although I think you should seriously reconsider what you are doing with that particular cubical..

    1. I imagine that Norman will get his own space in the office soon.

  4. I'm jealous of the office. Oh for a space so neat and tidy!

    Am I the only one who noticed how cute Levi has his tail curled over the dog's paw?

    BTW, I just saw this, and I'm too new to FB to know how to make sure you see it, so I'm just copying it to you here. The man and his cats are in Michigan:

    from Sylvester the Tuxedo Cat
    I normally do not post finding homes for kittehs on my page but I am going to make an exception in this case and ask that you please read and share. Maybe you can't adopt right now but maybe someone you know, or someone they know, could. This is a good and kind man who has always helped cats others have abandoned and now the wonderful kittehs he has rescued need homes because he is at the end of his life and must move, can not take the kittehs and these are his babies. He is in Michigan and they must be rehomed in 4-6 weeks (from March 15th). Michigan Animal Adoption Network / Animal Care Network is helping Arnold find new, permanent homes for his cats. If you or someone you know is interested in adopting one of his cats, please call their office at 248-545-5055 or email them at They will get back to you as soon as they can. Please, serious inquiries only.

    The group can also be found at their Michigan Animal Adoption Network / Animal Care Network Facebook page.

    1. Thanks for the info and the link, Charlene. This is only about 30-40 minutes away from me. I'll share on Facebook and in tomorrow's post.

  5. I'm pretty sure The Dog DOES like it when Levi snuggles with him! And Norman!!! Yes, that is your cubby -- Kelly will realize that soon, I'm sure!
