Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Thief On Tuesday

"HEY! Look what the people left lying out!"
"Simba doesn't mind if he does..."

"Dum-de-dum... Which one will Simba choose?

"Nope. That one is broken. Hmm. That one is too salty.
This one might be a possibility..."


All would have worked well for Simba if he had been content to eat his prize on the sofa, but he somehow got it into his fuzzy little brain that WE were his primary roadblock to eating his precious chip. And so he took it to the floor... once, twice, three times. And every time the ending was the same:

Nobody said he was brilliant. We love him anyway.


  1. Replies
    1. We did have pity on him after the third time and gave him one of his own. ;-)

  2. Hummmm...are we sure Charlie wasn't paying Simba all along to bring HIM the chips?? :)

    1. I not certain that Charlie is bright enough to come up that elaborate of a plan.

    2. Maybe Simba just thought Charlie looked hungry....

  3. Awww, Simba. I always say that if orange tabbies were humans, they'd be laid-back pot-smoking surfer duuuuudes. :)

  4. Simba reminds me of my first kitty - a huge orange boy named Caesar...yes he was Emperor of the house and surrounding neighborhood. He LOVED fritos - would lick the salt off every one in the bag if we let him. I think he would have smacked any dog that tried to get his frito though.


    1. I'm honestly surprised that he allowed it to happen once, let alone three times. But as food-obsessed as Simba is (and he's nothing compared to Norman), he doesn't fight for it. He just goes and gets more. ;-)
