Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Happy Birthday Ruby Roo!

365 days ago, our Ruby Roo was born.

She made her blog debut as Willie Rae Jefferson 362 days ago.

351 days ago, we were completely enchanted by her orange splotch and big round eyes.

309 days ago (give or take), she said goodbye to her brothers and sisters.

252 days ago, we made it official (although we knew much earlier).

Today, Ruby Roo turns one year old.

We celebrated with feather boas and Hello Kitty cupcakes.

Simba enjoyed the cupcake frosting even if Ruby didn't.

And her brother Clay (now Casper) sent his regards on Facebook. Looks like he had quite the birthday party himself!

PS-- If any of Ruby's other siblings are reading, we would love to see your grown up selves too!

In an amazing coincidence, today also marks Charlie's "Gotcha Day".
2 years with the Chuck... good times.


  1. Happy Birthday Ruby & Clay!! And Happy Gotcha Day to Charlie!! What a celebration!

  2. Happy birthday, Ruby! You look smashing in the pink feather boa.

  3. Charlie's picture is a Glamour Shot! Love it!


  4. Happy Birthday Ruby and Casper!! and happy gotcha day for Charlie! Looks like you guys had an 'absolutely fabulous' time ;)

  5. Happy, happy birthday to Ruby Roo!! Woohoo -- it looks like it was QUITE the celebration!!

    And happy Gotcha Day to Charlie!!! (That hot pink boa complements his fur smashingly, I must say...)

  6. Belated wishes and hugs to everyone! It looks like it was a fun party!

  7. Happy birthdays, babies! And Ruby - Yup, I bet you knew nearly the moment you saw her that she was absolutely special...and yours!
