Monday, September 30, 2013

The Eyes Have It

A certain Teeny Tiny resident is known for her "stink eye".

She flashes that patented stink eye expression in our direction whenever the mood strikes her.

Although as she has come to feel safe in her surroundings, 
we see less stink and more wide-eyed wonder in her every day expression.

Well... except for when she's at an adoption event. When Garnet is at the store, the stink eye returns full force. Stress causes the membranes around her eye to turn red, she squints, and it's far from unusual for someone to exclaim, "Poor baby! What's wrong with her eye?"

You know what's wrong with her eye? Not a darn thing. During the ride home from the store, her eyes return to their glorious clear and round norm. By the time we arrive home, you'd hardly know anything had bothered them.

You don't think someone this innocent looking would be giving the stink eye on purpose, do you?

"Garnet wouldn't do that? Or WOULD I? The Lady will never know."

"Or WILL she?"

Strangely enough, there are a pair of Siamese girls who seem to have the same affliction when they visit the store. Have any of you ever heard of such a thing? Or are these girls allergic to being adopted?


  1. It is the stress. Cats are highly susceptible to stress, and I'm sure this is just how it is presents itself. The more they do it the more they will get used to it the less it will happen. You could try to prempt it by putting a little ointment in their eyes prior to taking them out.

    I do have to say though, stink eye Garnet looks like a completely different kitty from wide eyed wonder Garnet

    1. Wide-eyed wonder Garnet is her normal eye expression. She has great big eyes in a teeny tiny head. She looks amazed at absolutely everything :)

  2. Wow! So interesting about the eye membranes.

    Well Garnet's stripes are certainly spectacular, no matter what her eyes are up to!

  3. I was a little blown away by her wide-eyed look and would agree that she looks like a complete different cat!


    1. Surprise! That's her NORMAL look :)

    2. OK, that's hilarious. We need more images of that so I can replace Stink-eyed Garnet in my head with OH LOOK AT THAT! Garnet!

