Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

I thought it might be fun to celebrate a New Year with photos of our newest permanent resident at the newest we ever knew her.  Remember this?

Three days old

Three days old

Ten days old with brand new open eyeballs

Ten days old and not loving the world outside her open eyeballs

Two weeks old

Two weeks old

And just for Connie...

Ruby on New Year's Day

May all of your new beginnings this year be as precious and sweet as this teeny tiny torbie girl's was.  Happy New Year!


  1. Kelly Miss Ruby got lucky when she found you I'm sure!

    She is a lovely little girl and I hope to be reading all about her for a very very long time!

  2. So amazing for you guys to have photos of her with a brand new pink belly! May the new year bring you all happiness and good health (foster kitties included).

  3. so sweet.. but I wouldn't have minded seeing her cute little face as it is today too :) (yes, I'm pushy and demanding.. sorry)
