Sunday, June 16, 2013

Look What The Storm Blew In!

"Go away, Lady. We don't like you."

The Mayweather Munchkins arrived just ahead of yet another thunderstorm on Saturday evening. They moved into the front foster room and directly under the chair... where they stayed... and stayed... and stayed. They ordered room service on Sunday morning, demanding that their breakfast be served under there too.

Kitten crunchies are missing from the bowl in front of the door and the litter box has been used, so they're not complete hermits. By Sunday evening, we caught glimpses of them darting around the room (only to head for cover under the safety of their chair if they detected movement outside the door). Only Ruby fails to shake them. She's been watching Kitten TV for the better part of the weekend.

We'll take the next couple of days getting to know each other. In the meantime, I'm waiting for one more kitten name to come rolling in before I formally introduce the litter. But just because you don't know their names doesn't mean you can't enjoy their faces.

"Nope. No kitten here. Just us pirates!"

"Did it work?"

"No, huh?"

"Perhaps pretending to sleep will make that Lady go away instead."

"Thinking, thinking, thinking of a good strategy to make this giant go away..."

"Unhand the kitten before the kitten messes you up!"

"Didn't work, huh?"

"It is so hard for a gorgeous kitten to convey malicious intentions."

"Sigh... She's still holding me, isn't she?"

"Let's negotiate, shall we?"

"You put the kitten down and the kitten will pretend you don't exist."

"Not buying it, huh?"

"Excuse me... Have you seen my mama?"


  1. Ah, that last comment... what must be going through their minds... all adorable though!!

  2. OMG!!! That 3rd one is my favorite!!! Awwww! How is Clarice doing?

    1. Upstairs Mama is currently holding court in the upstairs hallway. She is much too regal to touch the first floor, but she's doing quite well at the moment (Thanks for asking!!)

  3. Awww, they are so CUTE (that last one is my particular favorite already!)

  4. The unbelievably sad look on the last kitten reminds of Puss from Shrek adorable.

  5. They are so cute! I just want to cuddle them all!

    1. They would tell you to back off, Lady... with completely scary hissing and everything. ;)

  6. Awwww, so glad they are finally there! Can't wait for all the posts. : )

  7. Oooooo....look lurvs her some hissy kitten. ;)

    1. Then it's heaven in the front room right now ;)

  8. Oh the cuteness!!! 2 girls and a boy?

  9. Oh wow! Such adoreableness!!! I'm sure they'll come around in no time... So looking forward to reading all about their antics.

    BTW, how do I e-mail you privately?

  10. Wow, they're even cuter up close & personal. And they look BIG! Can't wait to see how they adust!


    1. *adjust


    2. Ha! If they were hanging out under a chair in my house, they'd be "a-dusting" too! ;) But we know Kelly is neater than that!

      Gah - those faces are just adorable!!

  11. got any rescue remedy?? I also really like Spirit Essences "Safe Spaces" for feralish kittens..

    Sorry kitties, you are in for a boat load of kisses and hugs, you might as well give up and get used to it now..
